Veal tenderloin, “Chateau Briand” with roasted vegetables

> 60 minutes
veal tenderloin
frying oven roasted


Take the loin out of the fridge an hour before preparation to come to room temperature.

Panfry the loin in butter till nicely coloured and place on a tray, grind fresh black pepper on it and cook in the oven at 80ºC (176ºF) for about 20-30 minutes to a core temperature of 48-54 (118-129ºF).

Roast the vegetables and potatoes with the garlic some olive oil, pepper, salt and herbs to taste in the oven at 180 (356ºF) for about 20 minutes.

Slice the loin and serve with the vegetables and gravy to choice.



  • 1 pieces of (600-800 gr) veal tenderloin
  • 200 gr small potatoes washed
  • 150 gr fennel washed and cut
  • 150 gr small carrots washed
  • 150 gr onion peeled and cut
  • 150 gr bellpepper washed and cut
  • 2 garlic cloves cut
  • olive oil
  • gravy
  • pepper and salt

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