Mensink family

60, 70,
75, 80

In the past, we had a group of elders from the village visit us and they were highly impressed with our Peter’s Farm system. That pleases us and confirms that we made the right choice. In 1997, Peter’s Farm was the most innovative concept in animal housing and my father-in-law was sold on it immediately.

No looking back

You can see that the calves receive good care. They are relaxed. The fact the calves can decide themselves when and how much they drink, is unique. When I took over the business in 2000, we continued with the existing set up. Once you have switched to the Peter’s Farm concept, you never look back to the standard way of veal farming. 

My hobby is tinkering. A friend and I made a container carrier to go behind the tractor and you can transport plenty with it. It is the same system that lorries use to transport containers of rubble, for example. Who knows, I may produce something with which the Peter’s Farm concept could be developed further. 

  • Michiel and Sandra Mensink
  • Located in Saint-Isidorushoeve, Overijssel
  • Four children
  • A Peter's Farm since 1997
  • Interesting facts: Developed a container carrier.
  • Hobbies: Michiel: tinkering; Sandra: walking and reading. And we have 1,000 m2 of flowers behind the stalls.

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