Jansen family


Peter’s Farm enables you to present yourself in the best light as a veal farmer. We are happy to show visitors how the system works in the stalls and virtually everyone is positive about it. We treat the calves with respect! We are the pride of the Valley.

Pride of the Valley

We are a member of Vallei Boert Bewust. That means we belong to a group of farmers that wish to be the visible face of the agricultural sector in the Valley and engage with the local community.

In addition, we also have many sustainability measures in place. Here too, we are conscious of our obligations as a role model. The stalls have been built sustainably, with careful consideration of the materials used and their insulating properties. As a result, the calves do not get too cold in winter, nor too hot in summer. We separate our calf manure; some goes to tree nurseries for use as fertiliser and some is used as fertiliser for agricultural crops (for example: grass, grain and potatoes).

Finally, we produce our own Elephant grass for use as fuel for the wood burner that heats the water for the calves' milk. We continually make changes and keep seeking options for meaningful expansion. It is satisfying to be able to apply such a creative approach to one’s business.

  • Henk and Willy Jansen
  • Located in Otterlo, Gelderland
  • Five children, 1 grandchild
  • A Peter's Farm since 2001
  • Interesting facts: Grow Elephant grass for calf’s milk.
  • Hobbies: Henk: tinkering on an old-timer, active in the Restored Reformed Church; Willy: making clothes.

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